Technology At It's Peak


Sunday, July 15, 2018


1. You must have an active IP address to be online.
Or more accurately, every time you're online you automatically have an active IP address. IP stands for Internet Protocol: The protocols are connectivity guidelines and regulations that govern computer networks.
2. IP addresses are assigned to computers, not people.
The IP address you see—the one you're connected to a network and the Internet with—is assigned to the computer you're on. When you're at a coffeehouse, the IP address you see will be different from the IP address you see at home, a hotel or an airport. Test it one day to see.
3. Whoever you interact with online could discover your IP address (if they know how to find it).
Your IP address isn't obvious to others, but it isn't hidden. A website's network administrator and technically savvy types can identify the IP addresses of computers that visit their websites or send emails. But all they can see is a number...the same one you see on
4. Only an Internet Service Provider (ISP) knows the real name and home address that corresponds to an IP address.
They have to know, in order to send a bill for monthly Internet usage. However, they keep that information private and do not disclose IP addresses—or names and addresses of customers—to just anyone asking for it. However, they would disclose that information under subpoena to law enforcement agencies.

5. Your IP address NEVER reveals your name or actual, physical location.
If you click on the map on our home page, you'll see plenty of details (state, ISP, etc.), but no personal information.
6. Someone can get a general idea of where you are when you're online.
That's what the above map shows. Geolocation services can estimate where a computer user is, based on an IP address. All they need to do is record your IP address and use an IP Lookup service. However, they will still not know who the computer user is.
7. You can hide your actual IP address.
More accurately, you can show a different IP address from the one you're actively using. You can do that by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Think of it like having your mail sent to a P.O. Box instead of your home—you haven't moved; you're just using a different mailing address. Some VPNs are free, but the better ones charge a small monthly fee.
8. A website can monitor online behavior through online visits and viewing.
Advertisers use online tracking to place ads that might be of interest to website visitors. Website tracking systems can recognize visits by the same IP address and suggest ads for articles and topics that might interest the user behind the IP address…YOU.
9. Your IP address AND other information could lead someone to you.
If you revealed to someone your real name, your home city and perhaps sent them an email (that contained your actual IP address) from home, they could use all that information to discover your home address.
10. A VPN is the best and easiest way to hide your IP address.
Plus, it offers other online safety benefits, including keeping snooping eyes out of your computer, as well as your personal and financial affairs. 

Saturday, July 7, 2018

California passes digital privacy bill - impact on U.S Citizens.

California enacted the nation’s strongest data privacy law on Thursday that could presage national changes to how big tech companies, including Facebook, Google and Amazon, collect and use personal data.

The law, passed by the state legislature on Tuesday and signed by Gov. Jerry Brown, requires companies to disclose the types of data they collect about consumers and with whom they share that information. Companies will be forced to let consumers opt-out of having their data sold. The law will also prohibit companies from charging a consumer or treating them differently because they opted out of having their data sold.
Companies will also be required to secure customer data or risk being fined by California’s attorney general, according to the legislation.

Still, California’s new privacy protections have been heralded as the strongest consumer privacy measure in decades and are part of a growing movement to give people more control over their data. While the spirit of the law is similar to Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation, which went into effect last month, it doesn’t go as far as GDPR, which is now considered the strongest data privacy law in the world.

The protections won’t take effect until 2020, meaning the fight between lawmakers, advocates and tech companies to further shape the regulations, or water them down, is still far from over.

In response to GDPR, which took effect last month, many large tech companies, even those based in the U.S., revamped their privacy policies and created tools to give users more control over the types of data that is collected.
James Steyer, founder and CEO of nonprofit tech watchdog Common Sense, said the passage of the bill is a “huge victory” but isn’t perfect.

“I would like to see even more aspects of privacy opt-in versus opt-out, but this is a huge improvement,” Steyer said.

The vote wasn’t without a bit of last-minute drama. Lawmakers had until Thursday afternoon to pass the bill, entitled the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018. If they did, Alastair Mactaggart, a wealthy real estate developer, said he would pull an even tougher measure that had secured a spot on the state’s November ballot. Mactaggart’s Californians for Consumer Privacy bill would give consumers even more power over their data, such as the ability to sue companies that may have mishandled their privacy and security.

The Internet Association, the lobbying force representing many large technology companies, had expressed its disapproval for the ballot measure. Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer, told reporters at an event held at Facebook headquarters on Thursday morning that the social network supported the legislative action.
Once signed, the bill will provide California residents with the strongest consumer privacy protections in the United States. It is also expected to have wide-ranging implications for everyone in the United States.

The California legislation is a beacon to privacy rights activists who have said they believe the next steps could be instituting stronger privacy protections at the federal level. Regardless of whether Congress acts, Steyer said California’s law will have a ripple effect and be a positive for all Americans.

“California’s law will become the law of the land,” he said. “Waiting for Congress and this current executive breach to be functional is like a joke."

The protections won’t take effect until 2020, meaning the fight between lawmakers, advocates and tech companies to further shape the regulations, or water them down, is still far from over.

Who is a Software Developer?

A software developer helped design that. And when you roll into the office and turn on your computer, clicking and scrolling through social media, music and your personal calendar – software developers had a big hand in shaping those, too. You might spend your lunch shopping, and before you make that big purchase you check your bank account balance using your phone. Later, you're cooking a new recipe from that great app your friend told you about. As you look over the course of your day, you come to see that software developers are the masterminds behind the technologies you now can't imagine living without.

The best software developers are creative and have the technical expertise to carry out innovative ideas. You might expect software developers to sit at their desks designing programs all day – and they do, but their job involves many more responsibilities. 

Software developers invent the technologies that we sometimes take for granted every day. For instance, that app that rings, sings or buzzes you out of a deep sleep in the morning?

They (Software developers) could spend their days working on a client project from scratch and writing new code. But they could also be tasked with maintaining or improving the code for programs that are already up and running. Software developers also check for bugs in software. And although the job does involve extreme concentration and chunks of uninterrupted time, software developers have to collaborate with others, including fellow developers, management or clients. Developers are often natural problem solvers who possess strong analytical skills and the ability to think outside the box.

Software developers are in high demand right now. They're employed in a range of industries, including computer systems design, manufacturing and finance. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects more than 30 percent employment growth for software developers between 2016 and 2026, which is much faster than average for all occupations. In that period, an estimated 253,400 jobs will open up.    


Friday, July 6, 2018


Error reporting is one of the tools an advanced or intermediate PHP developer should be look into.

Once your application is developed for open market, one of the basic thing you should do is to turn off all errors or turn on some runtime errors . If not done, hackers can use this loopholes to penetrate your applications. 

Look in below the codes for php error reporting.

// Turn off error reporting

// Report runtime errors

error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);

// Report all errors


// Same as error_reporting(E_ALL);

ini_set("error_reporting", E_ALL);

// Report all errors except E_NOTICE

error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

for more reference on error reporting in php. refer to

Sunday, July 1, 2018


The last time, I introduced you to HTML being the basic language of the web.

Now, I am going to talk about the best text editors to use for HTML.

When choosing your editor as a beginner, you should consider the one with both code and design view.
I will strongly recommend Dreamweaver. It's not just a text editor, but IDE- Integrated Development Environment. It contains all the tolls you need as web developer and it very user friendly.

Inner Views of a Dreamweaver IDE

You can also consider the folowing IDEs

1. Atom
2. Sublime Text
3. Notepad++ and lots more

Which ever text editor/IDE you choose, you should consider the following features as well.

  • Column/block editing
  • Multi-caret editing
  • Multi-select
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Integrated FTP client
  • Editor themes
  • File/data sorting
  • Code and Design Views ( Very import for a beginner )
Watch out for part three of this HTML series where I will be talking extensively about tags.
To get all the catch of the class, subscribe to my newsletter below.

Feel free to share!

Thursday, June 28, 2018


What to know about HTML

1.Any and every webpage is encoded in HTML( Hyper Text Markup Language).

2.A HTML document is a plain text file which is encoded in HTML language.A browser is used 

to decode the HTML document and display(or render) it to the user

3.All contents within the HTML document is surrounded by tags.These tags enable the browser to 

determine the formatting, layout and other specifications related to the HTML webpage(or document).

4.HTML international standards and specifications and are defined and maintained by the  World 

Wide Web Consortium(W3C) and WHATWG

The specifications of HTML are never complete and is continously evolving as the demand of more 

features increases.

So what about HTML5?

1.There is a huge buzz surrounding HTML5.HTML5 is a major upgrade to HTML specification, last such upgrade happened some 11 years ago(XHTML 2000)

2.The update introduces new features like interactivity, smart forms, improved multimedia support, better semantics ,offline support etc etc. But all this is in addition to the earlier features and the slate hasn't been wiped clean or every thing done from the scratch.

3.Infact HTML5 is an umbrella term used to describe all the related set of technologies that are used to develop modern and rich in feature web contents. For instance Javascript and Cascading Styled sheet(CSS)

It is important to note that HTML5 does not control the style and design features of the webpage for that we use the Cascading Style Sheet(CSS).

HTML Elements and Tags

1.The HTML web document is made up of elements. Each element is usually made up of two tags start tag and end tag(eg:<start tag> ..... </end tag>).

2.Usually most HTML elements have two-sided tags. 

The end tag always ends with a forward slash( / ).

 <start tag> All your contents go here </end tag> 

 The html tags are not case-sensitive i.e </body> and </boDY> or even </BODY> will be treated as body element only.

Watch out for more series! You can also subscribe to this blog for regular updates

Watch out for more series. You can also subscribe to this blog for regular updates.

Monday, June 25, 2018


For many that wonders what HTML, CSS and Javascript can do, here is a little calculator you can build using the languages. These languages are not only made for web applications, you can lay your hands on building a simple calculator with it, even to an advanced one.

Look at the code below.

  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <title>Calculator</title>
  4. <style>
  5. #text1,#text2{
  7. }
  8. button{
  9. width:100%;
  10. height:100%;
  11. }
  12. </style>
  13. <script>
  14. function event1(x){
  15. document.getElementById("text1").value+=x;
  16. }
  17. function event2(){
  18. var x = document.getElementById("text1").value;
  19. document.getElementById("text1").value = eval(x);
  20. }
  21. </script>
  23. </head>
  24. <body>
  25. <center>
  26. <table border="1">
  27. <tr>
  28. <th colspan=4><h1>Calculator</h1></th>
  29. </tr>
  30. <tr >
  31. <td colspan=4><input type="text" id="text1" placeholder="0" style="text-align:right;"/></td>
  32. </tr>
  33. <tr>
  34. <td></td>
  35. <td><button type="button" value="/" onClick="event1(this.value)">/</button></td>
  36. <td><button type="button" value="*" onClick="event1(this.value)">*</button></td>
  37. <td><button type="button" value="-" onClick="event1(this.value)">-</button></td>
  38. </tr>
  39. <tr>
  40. <td><button type="button" value="7" onClick="event1(this.value)">7</button></td>
  41. <td><button type="button" value="8" onClick="event1(this.value)">8</button></td>
  42. <td><button type="button" value="9" onClick="event1(this.value)">9</button></td>
  43. <td rowspan=2><button type="button" value="+" style="height:50px;" onClick="event1(this.value)">+</td>
  44. </tr>
  45. <tr>
  46. <td><button type="button" value="4" onClick="event1(this.value)">4</button></td>
  47. <td><button type="button" value="5" onClick="event1(this.value)">5</button></td>
  48. <td><button type="button" value="6" onClick="event1(this.value)">6</button></td>
  49. </tr>
  50. <tr>
  51. <td><button type="button" value="1" onClick="event1(this.value)">1</button></td>
  52. <td><button type="button" value="2" onClick="event1(this.value)">2</button></td>
  53. <td><button type="button" value="3" onClick="event1(this.value)">3</button></td>
  54. <td rowspan=2><button type="button" style="height:48px;" onClick="event2()" >=</button></td>
  55. </tr>
  56. <tr>
  57. <td colspan=2><button type="button" style="width:100%">0</button></td>
  58. <td><button type="button">.</button></td>
  59. </tr>
  60. </table>
  61. </center>
  62. </body>
  63. </html>


1. Just copy the code above into a file in any of your text editor like Notepad, Notepad++ etc.

2. save as calculator.html

3. Open in any browser of your choice..

Its as simple as that...

Watch out for more applications on HTML, CSS and JS on this platform... 

Feel free to share to any one that needs it.


ADOBE has developed a tool that can detect if an image has been tampered with.
The AI could tell if an element had been added, moved or cut from a photo.
But the company warned that no piece of technology could provide a foolproof verification system.
Vlad Morarium, an Adobe researcher, employed artificial intelligence to scan for signs of manipulation that are not usually visible to the naked eye.
Photoshop, created 28 years ago, is a powerful image editor, and its name has become a verb for image manipulation.
Existing verification tools can scan an image file's metadata - which contains information on when and where a photo was taken - for signs of mischief, and look for things like inconsistent lighting.
Mr Morarium, who spent 14 years researching ways to spot image manipulation, taught an artificial intelligence network to recognise signs of colour change and noise inconsistencies in tens of thousands of pictures.
The initial study focused on three common manipulation techniques:
  • splicing, where parts of two different images are combined
  • removal, where an object is removed from a photograph, and filled in
  • copy-move, where objects in a photograph are moved or cloned from one place to another

"Each of these techniques tend to leave certain artefacts, such as strong contrast edges, deliberately smoothed areas, or different noise patterns," he notes.
Mr Morarium, whose research was carried out in conjunction with the US government agency Darpa, said the algorithm might also detect differences in illumination and unusual compression in the future.
He added that Adobe, which brought image manipulation capabilities to the masses, was "uniquely positioned" to create tools to determine authenticity.

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