Thursday, June 14, 2018


 Image result for blogging and money

You like to make money, right? Of course I know you do. Everyone loves to make money. So you started a blog since you’ve heard it’s an easy way to make cash, but you’re not quite sure how to actually make money doing it. Or maybe you already have a blog and you’re exploring ways to monetize it.

Whichever group you’re in, making money with a blog – whether it’s a hobby blog or a business blog –is possible. It’s not a get rich quick ordeal, but if you do it right, you could make enough to support your family and more. Let’s dive in and see how you can make a profit with your blog.

Do bloggers really make money?

Yes, obviously! bloggers make money in a Legitimate way.

How do bloggers make money?

The most successful bloggers use their blog as a hub or online home base, then build up many income streams from there.
A blog as an online hub is important to control your message and have a place where you can always be found.
Bloggers make money directly on their blogs and indirectly through related opportunities. Trickles of income from multiple streams add up to a large river of income.

What are the steps to make money blogging?

  1. Start a blog if you haven’t already.
  2. Establish yourself as an authority by creating excellent, useful content about your topic.
  3. Choose and implement income streams.
  4. Interact with others online to keep your blog top of mind.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 continuously so you and your blog become the go-to resource for your topic.

How much do bloggers make?

It varies generally. A couple of bloggers make a great many dollars year. Some make less, and some makes no money in any way.

I prefare asking "What amount can a blogger make?" to "What amount do bloggers make?" No sum is ensured, and it is difficult, yet there is essentially no restriction. That is one reason I adore blogging.

Strong numbers about blogging earnings are difficult to find. For instance, in the US, the Bureau of Labor Statistics knot bloggers in the simple general class of "Journalists and Authors" which has a middle salary of $61,240 every year. It is anything but a precise measure since there are endlessly extraordinary occupations incorporated into that class. Data from little studies and recounted confirmation can likewise be discovered on the web, however quite a bit of it is obsolete or taken from minor example sizes.

A few bloggers distribute their own pay reports, yet once more, it's hard to make general inferences since every blogger's condition is remarkable. Numerous bloggers have quit sharing salary reports, for example, Pinch of Yum, yet one of the all the more outstanding bloggers who keeps on sharing his is Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income.

How long does it take to make money blogging?

It takes a ton of hours for every week to manufacture and keep up a quality blog. It additionally takes numerous long periods of blogging before you will see salary from it.

I advise new bloggers to allow 3-6 months to influence a conventional part-to time salary and 1-2 years to make a reliable full-time pay.

The possibility that you can begin a blog today and make a full-time pay inside a couple of months is, for most, not sensible. There is essentially a lot of excessively learn and excessively, making it impossible to construct (your site, your substance library, your web based life nearness, your dependability, associations with perusers, and so forth.). In the event that you require cash immediately, building a blog may not be your best choice.

However, don't be debilitated! I pressed blogging into the breaks of life for a couple of years and it presently acquires relentless wage. In the event that you have some time, it is definitely justified even despite the exertion.

What are the ways bloggers make money?

These are income streams. There are 5 main ones, with many possibilities under each:
  1. Advertising
  2. Affiliate Marketing
  3. Digital Products
  4. Physical Products
  5. Services

1. Advertising

Organizations need to get their item before potential clients. They might be occupied with publicizing on your blog if your readers are their optimal clients. Here are approaches to consolidate promoting into your blog:
  • Display ads – Graphics in your sidebar, header, footer or within your content.
  • Giveaways & reviews – Companies provide you with free product (and hopefully monetary compensation) and you highlight that product on your blog.
  • Sponsored or underwritten posts – Companies pay you to write posts mentioning them or their product.
  • Newsletter / video / podcast sponsorships – Advertisements in emails or mini commercials in videos or podcast episodes.
Advertising is easy to start making it a popular income stream for many bloggers. However, it’s not nearly as lucrative as it once was and it requires a lot of traffic to be truly profitable. Therefore, it’s not a top recommendation of mine.

2. Affiliate Marketing

As an affiliate advertiser, you advertise another person's item or administration to your readers. You connect to that item or administration utilizing your interesting partner interface. When, somebody navigates that connection and makes a buy (or finishes a coveted activity set by the organization), you acquire a commission. There are a large number of affiliate marketing to join. Some are:
  • Amazon Associates – Get paid when readers purchase Amazon products through your links.
  • Genesis – The WordPress theme I use & recommend.
  • Bluehost – The host I recommend to new bloggers in this post.
  • Amazon Influencer Program – A different Amazon program which gives you your own Amazon shop like mine here.
  • Affiliate Acceleration – An excellent ecourse by a blogging friend.
  • Target – I love Target.

3. Digital Products

Many bloggers create and sell their own digital products. Digital products are awesome as they don’t require inventory and can be easily and quickly distributed for sales online. There’s no overhead and it's of low risk. Examples of digital products bloggers create are:
  • Ecourses – Teach others what you know and sell it over and over again.
  • Online classes or workshops – Teaching, but in a live setting.
  • Ebooks – Self publishing is very profitable for many.
  • Premium Content – Content others must pay to access.
  • Membership sites – A mixture of teaching and community.
  • Photos – Many photographers sell their photos online.
  • Audio or video – Create music jingles, voice overs or video clips.
  • Apps, plugins or themes – Great for those who love code.

4. Physical Products

Some bloggers sell physical products. Some examples are:
  • Books – Many bloggers have become traditionally published authors due to their blogs.
  • Handmade Products – Are you a maker?
  • Manufactured Products – Many bloggers find a manufacturer to make their idea a reality.
  • Retail arbitrage – Can you find great deals? Turn around and sell them at a profit on sites like Amazon.
  • In-person conferences, classes or special events – The exchange of something tangible (money) for a ticket to an in-person experience.
A surge of bloggers have started selling physical products the last few years. It can be profitable, but can get complicated with manufacturing, keeping inventory, shipping, returns, etc.

5. Services

Some bloggers use the expertise related to their blog topic and get paid when others hire them. Services can be offered locally or virtually (). Examples:
  • Speaking – Many bloggers find speaking gigs as a result of the platforms they build on their blogs.
  • Virtual assistance
  • Organizing, decorating, cooking – Some bloggers provide services to local readers.
Offering a service is an excellent way to make money quickly because startup costs are low, little to no inventory is required and you get paid for a skill you already have. The downside is, it’s not scalable.

How can I start my own blog and make money?

First, start a blog if you haven’t already. Next, focus on building up a solid library of at least 10-20 blog posts. Make sure they are helpful. Figure out which income streams are natural extensions of your posts. In the meantime, build relationships on social media, in Facebook Groups and wherever your potential readers hang out. Don’t just promote your own stuff, but be a helpful part of the conversation. People will eventually check out what you have to offer.

Can I start a blog for free and still make money?

The answer is yes. However, I would caution against it. The reason is, when you use a free service, you don’t have as much control over your blog—the free service does. This can be risky, especially if you will rely on your blog for income. A self-hosted WordPress blog is essential but not mandated.

5 extra tips to make money blogging

  1. Use as many income streams you can reasonably manage. Diversification is key.
  2. Excellent content is the key to long-term success. There’s no way around it.
  3. Each blogger has a different combination of income streams. There is no “right” way and that’s the beauty of it. There are endless possibilities. Find a combination that works for you.
  4. Don’t be a clone of another blogger. Find a unique angle.
  5. Successful bloggers don’t start a blog just to make money. Instead, they blog about a topic they truly enjoy and can write about for years. They let the money grow out of that topic organically.

If you’ve found this post helpful and you are interested in getting similar content, kindly share on your social media. Your support and encouragement is really appreciated!

Also, I’m always happy to help people out where possible, so feel free hit comment sections below:-)

1 comment:

  1. The information is quite impressive.
    Can you help me generate more traffic on my blog,


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